To be frank, a full time working mother like me juggling from work to family matters. I really do not have much time to prepare and think of a proper breakfast in the morning. Therefore, yoghurt with fruits and condiments are the ideal breakfast on the go for me. It is easy to prepare and act as my energy booster which I really need to start off my day well. Usually I prepared in an air-tight container, chuck in my handbag, grab my car key, kids hop in the car and off we go. I will only have a peace of mind and enjoy my breakfast at my working cubicle. Come let's see what I have in there.

I choose Greek yoghurt because it is slightly sour and has thicker consistency than regular yoghurt. I like the tangy taste that will make my eyes wide open in the morning. The vibrant red strawberries not only makes my bowl looks beautiful and it is high in fiber, antioxidant agent and high in vitamin C. Oh, the best part in my yoghurt is the sweet and crunchy granolas! I will non stop munching them while my fingers are busy replying emails. Lastly, I sprinkle some chia seeds on top for the finishing touch. Nowadays, chia seeds become more popular among diet watcher. Chia seeds are rich in fiber and able to keep my tummy full in a longer period time, especially when I'm stuck in the long meeting.

In life there is say like this "When there is a will, there is a way". So I always try my best to prepare my food no matter is a breakfast, lunch or dinner. Because food does more than fill my stomach, it also satisfies my feeling.


  1. Yes breakfast is important as it acts as an energy booster before we start off our work day

    1. Yes your message is published.... is here Libby.

  2. I love to eat breakfast such as your fresh fruit yogurt. What brand of Greek yogurt and granolas do you use?


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