I always wanted to have a balance life between work and family. After 5 days of busy work life in the office, weekend are the only days that I can spend time together with my family. I don't mind sacrifice some sleep and wake up early in the morning (around 6.45am) to visit the market to buy some fresh ingredients to cook for my family. Since it is weekend, I let them rest and sleep longer while I’m busy in the kitchen preparing brunch for them. Weekend Brunch Menu: Chicken Meatball Spaghetti. YES, I WANT TO COOK CHICKEN MEATBALL SPAGHETTI!

Chicken Meatball
500gm Minced Chicken Meat
1 large sweet yellow onion
60gm bread crumbs
1 egg
1 tbsp. of corn flour
1 tbsp. of each dried herbs (basil, parsley, rosemary and paprika powder)
Soy sauce, salt and black pepper to taste
With clean hands scrunch and mix up all the ingredients well. Divide into medium size balls. Heat up the stove, fry and cook for 8-10 minutes until golden. Set aside to cool.

400gm Spaghetti
Boil with olive oil and salt in a large pot. Cook according to the packet instructions. Strained and set aside.

Spaghetti Tomato Sauce
400gm fresh tomatoes (chopped)1 large sweet yellow onion (chopped)
4tbsp of ketchup to add color
1tbsp. of each dried herbs (basil, parsley, rosemary and oregano)
Soy sauce, salt and pepper
Heat up a large pan and drizzle some olive oil. Stir fry the onions until fragrant. Add in the fresh chopped tomatoes, ketchup, soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Reduce the heat and let it simmer with lid covered until the tomatoes get soften.

Assemble Chicken Meatball and Spaghetti in the Tomato Sauce
Add in the chicken meatballs and soak in the tomatoes sauce for about 7 - 10 minutes. Lastly slowly toss in the spaghetti and mix well. Serve while it is hot.
The fresh tomatoes and herbs aroma make my kids wake up and rush into the kitchen and says something like this;
"Mummy, nice smell."
"Mummy what are you cooking?"
"Yay, my favorite!"
I feel so bless and happy when my kids are so excited with what I'm cooking in the kitchen. Well, no matter how much time I spend and how complicated is the cooking preparation; all is worth it and valuable for me. A humble family of 4, seating on a round table, having brunch together and this is what I called spending precious time together. Chicken Meatball Spaghetti you are the best comfort food for my family.


  1. Good to see you make the chicken meatballs from scratch. Healthier this way since you decide what goes into them. Time with family is indeed precious.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Appreciate that.


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