鱼阿扎食谱 – Acar Hu

Ingredients: Fish, fresh turmeric, turmeric powder, ginger, lemongrass, garlic, carrots, cucumber, red chili and white vinegar. Sugar, light soy sauce and salt to taste. For a healthier choice, I replaced white vinegar with Apple Cider.
1.     First of all seasoned the fish with salt, then fry until golden brown.
2.     Cut and julienne: carrot, fresh turmeric, cucumber, garlic and red chili.
3.     Marinate the carrots and cucumber with apple cider.
4.     Then squeeze the excess water and leave a side.
5.     With some vegetable oil, lightly fry up the slices of garlic, toast and set aside.
6.     With the same garlic oil, continue stir fry the turmeric, ginger and lemongrass until fragrant.
7.     Add in generous amount of water with apple cider and bring it to a boil. Apple cider depends on your own preference taste.
8.     Add a few dash of turmeric powder to enhance the yellow color.
9.     Add in sugar, some light soy sauce and salt to taste.
10.  Let it boil for a while, then off the fire.
11.  In a platter, spread the fried fish, the marinated cucumber and carrots.
12.  Use a ladle to pour the turmeric soup to cover over it.
13.  Sprinkle the fried garlic and red chili as desire.
14.  Continue to spread another layer of #11 & #12.
15.  This is to let the fishes, cucumbers and carrots to soak enough of the turmeric juice.
This recipe originated from my dearest mother. My mother is a super chef in my life. She never fails to impress us with all her dishes. Once a while I will help her in the kitchen. From there I learn and pick up some of her great skills before it faded away. Then last year, there was a drastic change in our life, when my mother diagnosed with colon cancer. It is very hard for all of us in the family to accept the shocking news. But we never give up on her and together we fight against the illness. Right now, my mother has return to her normal lifestyle. The life path is not easy but we made through the hard knock. My mother and my story begins with this Acar Hu recipe.


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